18 Jun. 2014

Create your toys with flip chart paper

Cocinita-papel-pizarra_1 We love creating our own toys and this handicraft is going to blow you away! Why? Because with a cardboard box and Apli flip chart paper you can have as many toys as you want. All you have to do is line a cardboard box with Api flip chart paper and paint over it with chalk. A doll ´s house? A little kitchen? A pirate ship? Whatever you want, all you have to do is think it up and paint it with chalk. MATERIALS Cardboard Box Apli flip chart paper Apli scissors Apli coloured paper Chalk Ruler Apli spray glue Apli adhesive tape   STEP 1 We are going to use the Apli adhesive to help us glue the edges of the box so that they are properly stuck together. We can also use this to cover the slots. Once this is done, we can begin to line the cardboard box with the Apli flip chart paper. Cocinita-papel-pizarra_9 STEP  2 We' will use a rule to help us to prevent the typical little air bubbles that remain when you line any surface with flip chart paper. Cocinita-papel-pizarra_10Cocinita-papel-pizarra_6 STEP  3 We make a cut in the corners with the Apli scissors to be able to properly paste the different sides of the cardboard box. Cocinita-papel-pizarra_7 STEP  4 We decorate the sides of the little kitchen with the Apli coloured paper. We use the Apli spray glue to do this. This will give it a touch of colour ;) Cocinita-papel-pizarra_5Cocinita-papel-pizarra_4 PASO 5 We draw in the kitchen with chalk! Unleash your imagination...what´s cooking in the oven? A roast chicken? Delicious! Cocinita-papel-pizarra_3 PASO 6.  Ready to play! Now we can erase everything and start all over again! All the games that you have always wanted in one! Cocinita-papel-pizarra_2