17 Oct. 2014

Let's throw a party!

Material691X433 Burritos, enchiladas, guacamole… and piñata! Piñatas are a must at any children´s party in Mexico. They are made with clay pots, in the shapes of animal or superheroe faces… thousands of them! However, this time we decided to create our own design inspired by our small birthday girl and she loved it :D Happy birthday sweetie pie!   MATERIAL Apli coloured eva foam Apli coloured stickers Apli scrapbook cloth tape Apli silicone glue Apli scissors A paper bag   STEP 1 Choose the Apli foam colours that you wish to work with. Draw and cut out a circle a bit larger than the paper bag that you have chosen and make the rest of parts in proportion to it. These are the numbers that we have come up with: InsadePinyata002 STEP 2 Cut and paste the glasses and hair onto the larger circle. InsadePinyata004 STEP 3 Give it eyes using one large and another smaller sticker. You can also use other stickers to decorate the glasses! InsadePinyata005 STEP 4 If you want your piñata to have two sides, make another one the same or in a different design, the choice is yours! Then just paste one on each side. InsadePinyata006 STEP 5 Paste a few tapes at the base of the bag to let your little terrors smash the piñata… and get all the gifts! InsadePinyata007 Now we have everything for the party. Now all we have to do is to wait for the guests to arrive! Ding dong!     InsadePinyata009