17 Mar. 2014

Dad´s briefcase

maleta0 Father´s day has arrived and we are making something that is a must for his workday. Our dad will be the envy of his colleagues in the office with this briefcase. At the very least, we will be taking away a bit of the grey from his other briefcase and we will bring a little colour to this special day for him. Dad, we love you very much! MATERIAL - Eva coloured foam - Alphabet, animal and other Eva foam shapes - Silicone glue - Apli scissors - Apli wooden buttons STEP 1. We fold over the eva dark blue foam in two without cutting it. Maleta1 STEP 2. We draw the briefcase handle onto the Eva red foam. This also lets us to cut more easily with our Apli scissors. maleta2maleta3 maleta4 STEP 3. We stick on the Apli wooden buttons and the Eva foam shapes with the silicone glue to decorate dad´s briefcase. maleta5 Happy Father´s Day! maleta6