14 Nov. 2017

Magnets: Get to work!

blog cara magnets
[caption id="attachment_9374" align="aligncenter" width="849"]Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash[/caption] The power of magnets is infinite, because you can create and combine so many characters, faces, emotions and places in the world that there will be no time for getting bored. Imagination and the will to create are the only limits. What is appealing about Magnets (and it’s not just about the magnet itself…) is the opportunity to learn, discover, release emotions and challenge creativity while playing and having a good time. Today, we invite you to see PLI Kids’ Magnets games, get to know them and choose the one you like best, to enjoy with your kids. Worried, sad, surprised? FondoImanesCaras2 Sometimes it is not so easy to express what you feel, if it happens to you as an adult, imagine for kids! With Magnets Emotions, expressing yourself without prejudice or complications is much easier. Distress, joy, fear, sorrow, love… your children will have 30 magnets and hundreds of possible combinations to express everything. Where do you put the ears? What about the eyes, moustache, glasses, hair and the hat? Everything you can find on a face (even on a head!) you will find in this 30-magnet game. With your help, children can create different faces, those suggested by the game as well as those that can be invented by combining the elements. [video width="900" height="576" mp4="http://wamp.aplikids.com.emfasi.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/FondoImanesCaras.mp4"][/video] Now I know where to put the Eiffel Tower! Isn’t it exciting when children begin to discover the world by themselves? Playing with you, they can locate the magnets perfectly in every corner of the world: animals, monuments, taxis, buses, traditions, there are all sorts! 40 magnets to discover the world and its diversity. MAGNETOSmapa-noviembre-APLI-2017 Dress up for the profession! Pirates, painters, firefighters, clowns, cooks, police, football players, nurses and many other characters that can be disassembled and combined as your child wishes. Magnets to create characters is called Dress up, and we are delighted to have it in APLI Kids, because behind each profession, each character and combination, you can invent thousands of stories. Express emotions, create faces, discover the world and combine characters, what would you like to do this afternoon with your kids? It doesn’t matter which you choose, they are all fun, educational and stimulate creativity.