22 May. 2018

Create, stick and unstick

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  Sometimes you can get carried away by the temptation of giving your children enormous toys that do many things, when they have a whole world to explore within hand's reach. The magic of stickers! apli_stickers_2 Have you noticed that a child's imagination is amazing? give them a box and they will come back to you with a story of space travel and sea voyages around the world. The magic is not really in the stickers, but rather in the creative potential they awaken in each child. And as they can be stuck and unstuck easily, they only need a bit of imagination and a blank space: a sheet of paper, a wall, a piece of wood… anything! apli_stickers_1 You can have stickers with different themes, to allow them to create new stories and adventures every time they play. With, for example, moustaches, bow ties and hats to add to those drawings of all the members of the family. With animals as well, such as flamingos and kittens, or the “camping” world, to create adventures in the forest,  Or, why not, attraction park stickers for a fun afternoon. They are also brilliant to personalise folders, notebooks, posters, diaries, gifts, etc. And if you have kids that love playing fashion designers, our dress up stickers are in relief with a 3D doll and different dresses and accessories to mix and match. apli_stickers_3 apli_princess_1 You can also choose the Jumbo version of castles and houses for example, which includes a jumbo stage to play with them. As you can see, the benefits of stickers are like kids’ imagination: Limitless! Which of our stickers will your children like best?