For lovers, for their beloved, for the bride and groom, and for those who have never had experienced it...Because every day is good for telling someone "I love you" But February is the month of love and there is no better way to demonstrate that with a gift that you have made yourself. You can use a photo you like that shows a kiss or better still... one of your own! However, this is not just for lovers. You must have one photo with your parents or children that would look great.. Come on, let's go, this is easy-peasy.MATERIALSAPLI cardstockA photoAPLI stickersAPLI wooden sticksAPLI adhesive tape APLI Instant glue APLI scissorsSTEP 1Take a cardstock sheet in the colour of choice and cut out two identical circles.STEP 2Stick the stick on with sellotape to one of the circles and add glue to one of them in order to be able to paste the otherSTEP 3Take the photo and carefully cut out the two people kissing. First paste one of them on one side and the other on the back, remembering that both of their mouths must be as centred as possible and at the same height so that you can see the effect of the kiss
Paste a small heart sticker on one of the sides in the centre
Place a larger heart sticker on the other side, that should be centered but a bit higher.It's all in the kiss!
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