18 Mar. 2016

Father's Day puzzle

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InsidePost691X433 bodegon

You do not need to spend a fortune to make a nice and exciting present. And daddy will love how you remind him of the lovely times that you have spent together, so don't wait another minute!


APLI coloured paper

Photos of your Dad

APLI scissors

APLI glue

APLI adhesive roll



Print out the cube stencil on the coloured sheets that you will find at the end of the post.

InsidePost691X433 cubo dibujado


Cut out the cube as in the following image

InsidePost691X433 cubo recortado


Fold the cube around the lines and add adhesive roll on the flaps to stick it. Now you can add the photos. We suggest placing the images to the size of the four cubes and mark out where you have to cut them out.

InsidePost691X433 cubo foto


Stick a piece from each photo to each of the sides.

InsidePost691X433 cubos fotos

When you have all of them...you can now play at hanging them up! The most important of all: surprise Dad with a gift that will be sure to touch him.

InsidePost691X433 cubo fotos 1 InsidePost691X433 cubo fotos 2