06 Feb. 2015

Saint Valentine's Card

01Insadet691X433sanvalentin There must be someone that gives you butterflies in your stomach... let this person know how special he or she is for you in a customised and creative way. Gather all your scrapbook material and let´s make a very original Saint Valentine´s Day Card. Follow all of these steps or invent your own ones...anything go when it comes to love! MATERIALS Apli scrapbook paper Apli foam adhesive letters Apli "little world" pre-cut shapes Apli "little world" stickers Apli foam adhesive tape Apli adhesive tape roll Washi tape Apli scissors   STEP 1 Fold over two of the opposite corners of the Apli scrapbook paper so that one tip is on top of the other. 03Insadet691X433sanvalentin STEP 2 Fold the other two tips, overlapping the edge of the paper at least one centimetre in order to stick it later. Fold the peak of the paper that you end up with the inside inwards- now we have our envelope! :D 04Insadet691X433sanvalentin 05Insadet691X433sanvalentin STEP 3 Cut out another sheet of scrapbook paper at least 0.5 cm smaller on each side than the rectangle of the envelope. 06Insadet691X433sanvalentin STEP 4 We start composing our message, using the apli foam adhesive letters and the stickers and "little world" pre-cut shapes. 07Insadet691X433sanvalentin 08Insadet691X433sanvalentin STEP 5 Now all we have to is give it the finishing touch! Using the Apli 3D foam adhesive tape to add volume to any of the pre-cut pieces. And the final detail: finishing off the edges with Apli washi tape. Isn´t it cool? 09Insadet691X433sanvalentin 10Insadet691X433sanvalentin STEP 6 Put the card in the envelope and close it with this lovely heart. 11Insadet691X433sanvalentin STEP 7 Now, all we need to do is to write down the name...who are we going to send it to? 12Insadet691X433sanvalentin Happy Valentine´s Day! <3