18 Oct. 2013

Llamas walking on the clouds!

Llamas Apli Manualidad
Manualidad infantil con papel de colores 3 coloured llamas walking on top of the clouds…! First have fun creating your own toys and then…. playing with them! MATERIAL  - Toilet roll core -           Apli coloured adhesive tape -           Apli washitape -           Apli scissors -           Apli coloured paper -           Apli stick-on eyes -           Brush -           Paint STEP 1 We paint the toilet roll core with paint. We can also line it with Apli coloured adhesive tape Llamas2 STEP 2 We cut out the coloured paper with the Apli scissors in the shape of the head and paws of our llama. We stick on the Apli eyes to allow it to see the scenery! Llamas3 STEP 3 We will make a few slits in the cardboard to add the head and paws. Look how well he looks! Llamas4.1Llamas6.1Llamas6 STEP 4 A small detail for perfectionists! Create a saddle for the llama using washitape or coloured adhesive tape. Llamas7.1Llamas8 STEP 5 Let's play! Llamas9